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Friday 14 February 2014

How To Create YouTube like website.

Hi Guys,

I recently used OpenTok API for my website to record videos and play videos. My requirement was met where users were able to record a video and play the same video in future without storing it on my server. This way i saved server space and bandwidth utilization of my server.

Here is the code

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Get Browser and Operating System from the user agent stored in MySql database.

Here is how to get Browser and Operating System from the user agent stored in MySql database.

WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'MSIE [[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('MSIE ', user_agent), LOCATE(';', user_agent, LOCATE('MSIE ', user_agent))-LOCATE('MSIE ', user_agent))
WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'Firefox/[[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('Firefox/', user_agent))
WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'Chrome/[[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('Chrome/', user_agent))
WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'Safari/[[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('Safari/', user_agent))
WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'SeaMonkey/[[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('SeaMonkey/', user_agent))
WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'Opera/[[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+ ' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('Opera/', user_agent), LOCATE(' ', user_agent, LOCATE('Opera/', user_agent))-LOCATE('Opera/', user_agent))
WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'Dolfin/[[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+ ' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('Dolfin/', user_agent), LOCATE(' ', user_agent, LOCATE('Dolfin/', user_agent))-LOCATE('Dolfin/', user_agent))
WHEN user_agent REGEXP 'AppleWebkit/[[:alnum:]]+.[[:alnum:]]+ ' THEN SUBSTRING(user_agent, LOCATE('AppleWebkit/', user_agent), LOCATE(' ', user_agent, LOCATE('AppleWebkit/', user_agent))-LOCATE('AppleWebkit/', user_agent))
ELSE 'Unknown'
when instr(user_agent,'compatible')>0 && instr(user_agent,';')>0 && instr(user_agent,'Windows')>0 then CONCAT('Windows',(substring_index(substring_index(user_agent,'; Windows',-1),';',1))) 
when instr(user_agent,';')>0 && right(user_agent,1)!=')' then trim(substring_index(substring_index(user_agent,';',1),'(',-1)) 
when instr(user_agent,';')=0 && right(user_agent,1)=')' then substring_index(substring_index(user_agent,')',1),'(',-1) 
when right(user_agent,1)=')' then trim(substring_index(substring_index(user_agent,';',1),'(',-1)) 
else trim(substring_index(substring_index(user_agent,')',1),'(',-1)) end as 'OS'
from browsers
/*Fetch all records where user_agent is not null*/
where user_agent is not null 
/*Fetch those records whose user_agent is available*/
and instr(user_agent,'Mozilla/5.0')>0 
/*Exclude Google bots and other bots*/
and instr(user_agent,'http')=0

How to implement Captcha v3 in ASP.NET

 I was facing an issue of dom parsing in my website. I finally resolved it by using Google Captcha V3. Step 1: Get your keys from https:...