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Friday 6 September 2013

How to setup Ruby On Rails on Windows 7 with MySql

Step 1: Install RailsInstaller (railsinstaller-2.2.1), It would create a folder RailsInstaller in the installed directory. Inside this folder go to Ruby1.9.3 folder and further inside bin folder. Right click on any file in the bin folder and select the path from the properties window. Copy this path and now we need to set this path inside PATH environment variable. Go to environment variables and edit PATH and embed the copied path inside the PATH value.

Step 2: Check Ruby and Rails versions. To check Rails version type the command "Rails --version" and press enter it would show you the Rails version. For Ruby use the command "ruby -v" and press enter it would show you the Ruby version. For rails it should be

3.2.13 or 3.2.14

Step 3: Using Ruby interpreter lets you run the ruby statements, You can run the Ruby interpreter using the command "irb". You can write ruby statements and can get the output. For ex. "Hello"*9 would print string "Hello" 9 times in irb.To exit from irb type "quit" and press enter.

Step 4: You can run ruby files (having extension .rb). Create a new file in any text editor and type the following code


myarr.each do |x|
p x

save this file with name "array.rb" and to run this file you need to type the command "ruby  array.rb".

Step 5: Getting started with rails environment. The rails commands are there to help you out in making web applications. To create a new web application project type "rails new firstproject". It would create a folder "firstproject" having default folders and files which are created by default by rails environment.

Step 6: Install MySql 2.8 adapter, Setting up "mysql" and linking it with rails is quite easy, If you follow some simple steps as mentioned. Edit .Gemfile inside the folder firstproject folder and add line gem "mysql". Then edit "database.yml" file present in db folder inside your project folder and add the following lines

adapter: mysql

database: db_firstd

username: root

password: 1234

pool: 5

timeout: 5000


adapter: mysql

database: db_firstt

username: root

password: 1234

pool: 5

timeout: 5000


adapter: mysql

database: db_firstp

username: root

password: 1234

pool: 5

timeout: 5000

Here i am assuming that you have set 1234 as root password for your mysql.

Step 7:  Now we need a C-Connector for mysql, this is important as the rails will try to find the necessary dll to communicate with mysql. You can download it from

Step 8: Now since our database.yml file is all set, We can give command so that rails would automatically create the database in mysql database as per the configuration in database.yml file. Give the command

rake db:create

This command would create databases (Development, Production and Test database) in mysql. Now to create a model we would give the command

rails generate model Employee empcode:integer name:string email:string

This command would generate a model, The model is actually a class in RoR which actually represents the table in our database. A model is cretaed so that a table with same name (Employee) with columns (empcode,name,email) can be created in the database.

Step 9: Now we would generate a table using the model class just created by the command. To geneate a table from model we need to migrate it, To migrate the model we need to give the command

rake db:migrate

This would create the table i.e all the unmigrated model classes would be migrated into table using this command.

Step 10: Using scaffold tool is great, It creates CRUD operations by just a single command. Give the command

rails generate scaffold Student regno:string name:string email:string

This would create model, view and contorller classes. But the datbase would not be created. We need to migrate it using the command

rake db:migrate

After this run the command

rails s

to run the project. type http://localhost/students, It would give you all the CRUD operations linked with your mysql database.

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